Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Neddlenosehanty and The Randi Rhodes Conspiracy

Nobody nose what happened to Randi Rhodes. Was she attacked by a right wing krazy? I'm confused. But neddlenosehanty, as usual, hits the nail on the head:

"What the %$#$ is WRONG with you people?? Are you that SICK in the head that just because you don’t agree with someone’s political views you believe that they deserve to be mugged? Are you on the right that DEMENTED??," a blogger called neddlenosehanty posted on"

As this article at the New York Daily News informs me, the liberal blogospheric blogogong has been rung off its stand in a frenzy of blogonorrhea over the disapearance of Randi Rhodes. People come to Angry and Sloppy for two reasons (it seems, according to my site meter): one, because they are friends, family members, and (welcome) stalkers of mine who are wondering what I'm up to; or, two, they are Italians looking for the lyrics to She's Always a Woman. (And now I'm reinforcing that coveted traffic with that reference!) Either way, I assume if you're reading this, you aren't as enmeshed, obsessed and in-the-know in/with/about the liblogospheroid scene as myself. So, clearly, as I am a portal-site to that world for a few of the few, let me explain to you some of the basics. Everyone who knows anything about liberals-on-the-net knows that Atrios, Kos, Glenn Greenwald and Smokey Joe are the BIGGUNs. But liberaldittotonianiacazoids, such as myself, go to one source before the LIBLOGEReAL FAB FOUR, the uberfeed on the liberal-megafone known as neddlenosehanty. Therefore NY Daily writers David Hinckley and Tina Moore establish their authority on the buzzings, whirrings, tickings and murmurings of the Progressiblogopolis by rightly citing the burgomeister neddlenosehanty on the cyber-consensus:

"What the %$#$ is WRONG with you people?? Are you that SICK in the head that just because you don’t agree with someone’s political views you believe that they deserve to be mugged? Are you on the right that DEMENTED??," a blogger called neddlenosehanty posted on"

I stopped watching the nightly news because of neddlenosehanty. He doesn't have the nose of Atrios, the style of Billmon, the sheer doggedness of Digby, but he (or she) has that name. For me, the name of the blogger is the most important thing. And, although this is embarrassing for me to admit I fear its true for most of us leftleaning blogodicts, usually when I'm reading neddlenosehanty's blog (called neddlenosehanty's blog) I skim over the post and settle my eyeballs on that name: neddlenosehanty. That's the wonder of this medium. Never in a million years would that name mean anything to me if I encountered it in print. But in blog form, this misty, ethereal city of lost time, the name neddlenosehanty has become my center. My anchor. My replacement God. Yay!

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