Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hollywood Scab-writer Available Here!

Here's this for your sitcom script:

puke puke puke. blah blah blah. puke puke puke. blah blah blha. ha ha ha ha

(cue laughter)

puke puke puke. blah blah blah blah. puke puke puke. blah blah blah. ha ha h a. seriously, I'll take the job! I need money!

UPDATE: Just in case--this is a joke. I'm no fuckin' SCAB. I support Unions, collective bargaining--everything short of smashing the state. (Well, fuck it, smash the state.) Fuck those corporate money-grubbing scum. Fuck those bastards. Even if you write for Two and Half Men, you deserve your share of the loot. I laugh at a well crafted puke joke. I'm only human.


Anonymous said...

you look like a young republican!

sarcasmus said...

ooh. that's low.