Sunday, April 08, 2007

Computerized Translation Experiment #1

I have been fooling around with the altavista babelfish translator. I wrote a little ditty about a conversation between Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski talking about the potential of filming Paganini, (this was an idea for a play that I had), and I used the translator to translate it into one language and then back into English again to see if there was any interesting differences. There are lots. I won't post it on this page because it goes on for quite a bit. But go to my experimental photo-blog A METAPHOR FOR I DON'T KNOW WHAT to see the fruits of this exercise. I also did multiple translations, for example, English to Spanish to French to German to English. The more times it translated, the more amorphic (and longer) the text got. Interesting, no?

In other news, I would like the other contributors to send me short bios to put on the sidebar; and perhaps mention your blog specialties. Anyone else who is interested in contributing to A&S, please let me know.

And any interesting experiments with translations you have, send them to me.

English to Korean to English of this blog post:

Electric computer anger one translation test #1 me in altavistababelfish interpretation act foolishly in circumference. It was going out, me with the WernerHerzog regarding the great disaster between the KlausKinski which talks the potential energy of thin shell Paganini small smallness song, (this playing was hazard idea) to be bitter, interpretation when with 1 language under translate, that time there will be a what kind of fun it sees again with English, it used it. There is a swallow. In order hazard to continue considerably me not to arrange it in this page. But goes to my, test photograph blog the hazard metaphor which will carry in order to see the fruit of this motion does not know what. Me also it swelled up in English and the poison it happened and with many-sidedness translation, for example and and. When compared to this it translate an hour, the amorphic (and it is longer) the original which it gets. Is interest the chisel? Inside different news, in order to put a sidebar above me the contributor who is different in me short bio su it will send and,; And refer your blog specialty probably. The A&S it peels and there is an interest to contribution to peel and who makes troublesome army song that only, the egg which it will carry. And to me which it spreads out is them, the test which what kind of fun to the translation which it sends is.

English to French to German to English:

Automated experience #1 of the translation I had rear-been issued over with the translator of babelfish from Alta Vista. I a small Liedchen regarding a maintenance between Werner duke and Klaus Kinski wrote, which speaks about the potential of pelliculage Paganini (an idea for a play which was I had), and I the translator used, in order it into a language and again into English to translate then, in order to still see, if there were interesting differences. There are fates. I will not communicate it to this side, because she continues for completely a little. But Versuchsblog, a METAPHOR FOR me NOT KNOWING go seeing the fruits of this exercise to my photo. I likewise made repeated translations English Spanish for example at the Frenchmen at GermanEnglish. More translated it periods, amorphique (and longer) the received text. Don't interest? In other messages I that other contributing me bios send runs would like, in order to place that sidebar above; and perhaps your blogspezialitaeten mentions. Everyone otherwise, which is interested to contribute to A&S please communicate to me. And all interesting experiences with translations, which have you them, send me.


Experienced Computarizada #1 the translation I translator to deceive with altavista the babelfish. I have written a young song in a conversation between Werner Herzog and Klaus falo in the movie Paganini potential chin ski, (a this time idea has for me), it used and the English with I translator traduziz in the language to have other times then to look at some interesting difference for back the match. There its party. I in this page introduced because for completely makes a piece is. But fotoque experimentally goes to the mis metaphor in order to I is not WEET any sees this exercise fruit. I and have made many translations, is the example, English to spanjaard to the French to duitser to the English. The lake time has translated, the lake starts the amorphism (and is longer) by the text. Interest, N.s? In another observation, another taxpayer happily must transmit my their biology live element route to invest sidebar I; And perhaps blog mentions specialized them. Everybody stays behind is interested to the A&S contribution, I if he seek pleasure the knowledge you. And some interesting experimentings the translation which has by your meas, the transmission.

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