Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Podcast up: Sun Expert Alfred Epstein

This is one is a bit unorthodox. I have agreed to let the esteemed sun expert Alfred Epstein post a lecture. Alfred, I must let you know, is a puppet. In a series of email exchanges with Mr. Epstein I have learned much about the sun, puppets, and Canada. It must be mentioned that Alfred is a puppet and a Canadian. This information (both about Alfred and the information he provides) may or may not be interesting or relevant to you; regardless, it is to me. I had to put meltmaster's feet to the fire (metaphorically, of course) to get this one produced. But he did it.

Here is alink!

Some more information about this unusual podcast. We found Alfred through A&S contributor Sara Tarkka. She now blogs here, but is, of course, still in contact with Dan, as she is his sister. Sara has recently moved to Toronto to work on a PHD in something or other. Anyhow, she met a puppet and acquired it, I guess.

In other words, this is a very specialized interest podcast, and you may or may not appreciate it.

It matters little. As a troglodyte I am extremely interested in the sun phenomenon, owing to my primarily subterranean existence--I know little about these things! I find it quite fascinating. As far as this talk of parallel dimensions, inanimate revolutions and some talk of a mysterious character named "Mama X," I have no clue what Alfred means by this. I assume that Alfred's knowledge is a deep and esoteric, and thus beyond the domain of us laycreatures. We cannot but get a glimpse of the greater whole of this mysterious universe from hearing such learned puppets speak!

Oh yes, I hope to have an update on the dramatic events of my own life. Namely that of Gormo's insurrection, usurpation of my empire, and the subsequent events that led to his death; and my subsequent, sweet, intricate revenge on the brutish philistine. I have been out of touch, but I have returned!

In the meantime, I bid you happy listening.

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