Thursday, August 28, 2008

Denver DNC: hope in the police state

I did some wondering around and attended some events. Tent city, which is where groups such as Amnesty International and Iraq War Veterans for Peace are housed are a good 40 minute walk from the Convention Center--a warm walk hidden by highways, hills and vegetation. Yesterday I saw a small protest of about 10 people with only 3 signs on the 16th Street Mall. There were at least 8 police in riot gear with the protesters and 4-5 more across the street. Enjoy the future of hope and change my friends!

I went to an AFL-CIO speech-fest. It was a speech-fest for working families and Obama.

The women's caucus sponsored by Lifetime networks felt like a very corporate Obamarama. I got a free tamborine!!

I attended some Jewish-related events. Many focused on emphasizing over and over again that Obama is Israel's friend in that sort of emotional 'we gotta let Israel do whatever it wants' kind of tone. However, I went to a J-Street event last night, which was encouraging. J-Street is a pro-Israel, pro-peace and one could even say pro-Palestinian lobby group that recently started up and is getting a lot of attention and works with an organization I work with called Brit Tzedek v'Shalom (Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace). Hurrah!

However, the highlight of the entire week for those who don't know was at the Skylark Lounge (namesake of Kerouac's Denver dive) where I stood for at least 1 hour only 3 feet away from Dennis Kucinich. It was awesome. Video is to come in the next week or so.


sarcasmus said...

Thanks for the updates on the Denver Stormtroopers.

Now where are those rioters?


sarcasmus said...
