Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's more than human?

Seems like they dug out the left overs from Space 1999 and Star Wars....


sarcasmus said...

no offense beautiful sunrise, but do you think that they'd make an android with gapped teeth?

Subarashi Hinode said...

!!!!!!!!!! Only from my DNA!!!!!!

There are a lot of gap toothed Androids.....Storm Troppers had em'. Android #8 in Blade Runner. Even one of the transformers had them. It's a universal phenom. We're everywhere. In this univers and the next

Subarashi Hinode said...

The gap could be because the robotic palate inside the mouth is not tightened so if the android is in trouble and all it's limbs have been blown off a smal ray gun can pop out and shoot between the mouth....

sarcasmus said...

i think that's probably true. the gapped are a superior genetic mutation--ripe for androiding. it's the next logical step: from getting grills to getting gaps.